Monday, December 22, 2014

'Tis The Season

The tree adorns our living room, much the same as last year, and many years before.  Its incandescence illuminates us, not yet having been led down the fully electronic path.  Aging ornaments cover the exterior, reminding us of other trees long ago.  The lower limbs await being pushed upward by the brightly colored packages we are fortunate to give and receive.

'Tis the season...for cynics to hush and for us to take stock of all that is good and right.  'Tis the season for us to be thankful for what we have, for who we are, who we know, and who we have known.  

Regardless of what one holds dear, 'tis the season to gather together, share and celebrate.  May your celebration be happy, harmonious and heartfelt.  And may it linger long into the coming year.


  1. Merry Christmas, Randy and Mary
    Joyce Curran

  2. Thanks for the wonderful presents you give us year round!
    Your writing is a gift that you're kind enough to share.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours and may God bless us, everyone.


  3. Merry Christmas Fredlunds! Thank you Randy for you thoughtful words today and sharing your journeys throughout the year. Happy and Healthy New Year to you and Mary.

    Sue Hartwig

  4. Perfect. Thank you Randy and Merry Christmas to you, Mary, and family.

  5. Merry Christmas to you and yours

  6. Merry Christmas Ho!Ho! Hodiddle Ho! Ho1 Ho!

  7. Well said my friend. Merry Christmas to you Mary and the family as well even if Christmas was yesterday, so I'm slow to respond.

  8. This is coming a bit late but best wishes to you, Mary and the rest of the family for (the twelve days of) Christmas and for happiness in the new year. I do appreciate your blogs and photos all year round--and one of your blue heron pictures is hanging in my bathroom! Karen Rinefierd
