Thursday, May 31, 2012

Picture Man at the Canal

"Randy, are you the Picture Man?"

"Why yes, Dawson, I suppose I am..."

"Then take a picture !!!" he shouted emphatically over the noise of the photogenic dredging barge.

And Picture Man took a way cool video too.

It's bigger and better if you follow the link to YouTube, but here is an embedded version just in case.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cinco De Mayo Loonacy at the Camp

The surest sign of spring...a burst pipe.
In honor of one of our members who could not attend.

And they laughed when I insisted that railing be detachable.

A whole lot easier than hauling 49 sheets of 1/2 inch drywall up the stairs
Demonstration of a technique from The Loonatic Guide to Construction Safety.

I want you to look just like me...

The manufacturer must have changed this pink stuff.  There was very limited itching.
Bud Light-Can-Man demonstrates another technique from the Guide.

"Fluff it, don't stuff it!"

A rare sighting of a Free-range Woodbutcher.

As usual, in the dark.

Amazing progress.

Continued amazement.

A guest appearance by one of our esteemed neighbors.

Looking across the water and through the trees.

Loons are often social animals.

And I bring you....FIRE !!!!

Spoke some evil, saw some evil, heard some evil.

Sparkling conversation!
Moon above and below the island.