Sunday, January 21, 2018

Making a Stand at Seneca Falls

Seneca Falls was the site of one of the many 2018 Women's Marches.  The bright colors and multitude of people made the sunny day a perfect one for photography.  

You may identify with the issues and content of the signs.  You may disagree and even be offended by the same.  In either case, it is a good thing that you understand what these people have to say.

The local constabulary estimated that the marchers were more numerous than last year, when an estimated 10,000 people were there.

The images generally speak for themselves.

This is the mural on the side of the Women's Rights National Historical Park.
The facility was closed due to the Federal Government shutdown.
Porta-potties were provided by the March Organization,
and Habitat for Humanity donated their generator
to power the PA system.

Arlette Miller Smith speaks to the crowd.
Her rousing poetry was half spoken, half sung.

Most of the attendees could not fit into the park courtyard.

Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul noted that while this park was completely closed,
some in the west remain at least partially open.

Lovely Warren, Mayor of Rochester,
spoke about achieving gender parity in elected offices.

The march begins.

Fortunate photographer follows friendly females.

Appropriate that the rally would occur in the First Amendment Area.

A young girl leaned out her window to watch.
I wonder what she thought of all the commotion.

Just in case you are unaware,
"Libtard Snowflake" is name used
by those who wish to ridicule those on the political left.

The Union Street Band performed as the marchers passed.

This person was collecting signatures to commemorate the event.
I hope no Social Security Numbers were involved.

All ages!

There you go!
Quite enough, don't you think?

And about the pink hats.  If you want to know more, click here: