Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bob's Floating Dock Test

Bob invited everyone he knows to Lily Lake to test the buoyancy of his new dock.


It's a good thing Bob overbuilds.

A few shots of the test subjects.  Note how the one in the middle becomes much better looking.

There was also hammock testing going on.

The true test.

Some didn't participate in the testing.  There was construction to be done.

"I see you!"

Back to work

Sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands.

"Still there, eh?"

Finally, the much anticipated arrival of Jake

"I will gladly pay you Tuesday..."

A few for the modeling portfolio.

But he's not just another pretty face.  The following shots are from Peter Gardinier, Photographer.  Reproductions available for a nominal commission.

This juxtaposition clearly illustrates man's inhumanity to man.
The critics have spoken.

The assembled camp crew.

Another modeling portfolio

And a well deserved rest after a long day.