Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Red Creek

I paddled Red Creek recently.  It flows through Genesee Valley Park and into the Erie Canal a few hundred feet from the Genesee River.  I wanted to see where it went.

The fishermen under the Rt. 390 bridge didn't care where the fish came from.

The black-winged redbird about to take a drink.

I was taking a really nice picture of this brush, but this darn blurry bluebird got in the way.

One of many bridges on the route

After a long stretch of backyard tours, the creek wound through a nicely wild area.  The heron and the red-tail hawk were not in the market for portraiture.

Sunny days like this make you glad to be a reptile.

The mink stole along the shore and hid in this bramble before disappearing into his hole.
One second earlier, this would have been a great shot of the mink peering out of his den.

Typical view of the waterway after a mile or so of paddling.

"You're not from 'round these parts, eh human?"

The end of the line.
I paddled upstream about 2 miles.  Had I known that less than 1000 feet upstream from here sat MacGregor's, home to innumerable taps, I'm sure I would have pushed on.
Do the high tension wires make the birds tense?

Just a small sample of the tire spawning area.

This egg pulled out of the stream still had the yolk within.

On the return trip, I saw these folks do the kayak limbo.
The man lamented that the water was unusually low for this time of year.
I bet they were headed for MacGregor's.


  1. I see the Hornbeck did the job afloat

    1. Good to have a Hornbeck Boat.

    2. Good to see that the ice is out and there is some sign of life along the creek.

  2. Randy, Some great shots!! --- my wife and I took walks along the creek many times --- nice job....

  3. Sounds like a rough day. Don't you wish you were back at Kodak? ;-)

  4. Black-winged Red Bird??? Isn't it the other way around. Great photography. Did you know there used to be a company in town that had something to do with photography?


  5. I love that creek. Before I became a breeder Will and I canoed up that creek and it's
    was so pleasant. Hope to be able to take the kids that way one day.Or you can....BFF

  6. A mink! How cool is that!

    -- Kathy
