Friday, November 14, 2014

How much are you missing this?

Don't be bashful.  Let me know.

Down, but not out.

I know where they got the idea for dippin' dots.

They're everywhere!

Even lounging around the back yard.

A few are enjoying a bit of fun on the tire swing.

A whole lot more have been in a
knock-down drag-out with me.

And every one is beautiful.
(Cue Ray Stevens)

Elevated aesthetic appreciation awaits.
No point in taking care of these until they're all down.
Who invented gutters?

My very healthy maples hang on well beyond most.
Great to see that they're doing so well,
and that they care enough about me to make sure
 I get plenty of exercise right up 'til Turkey Day.


  1. I have five double maples in my yard. There isn't a problem in the world about removing the vestiges. It costs me a fortune to watch someone else knee-deep in the muck, I mean gorgeous leaves and pine needles. I once had a neighbor who had another point of view, "The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away." He may a point. JC and the Gang

  2. My maple is right there with yours, still hanging on to a lot of leaves, but also covering everything in the yard with a yellow layer. Again. We just raked two days ago!

  3. What 'ta hell has Mary been doing? Why aren't those leaves raked up by now????


  4. Katie (my wife, not your daughter) misses it very much. I however, not so much!
    Pat G

  5. Jeremy's philosophy is in full agreement: "No point in taking care of these until they're all down"...but he has the early December deadline to get them to the road for the township ~ the tension just waiting for that last quivering leaf to fall!

    1. Perhaps you should get out the ladder and go a-pickin'.

  6. Laurel turned last weeks leaves into mulch using the mower while I will let the leftovers blow over into the neighbors yard.

    1. I need to remove my chain-link fence for this season.
