Sunday, February 15, 2015

Zero Degrees

That's -18 for all you progressive Celsius types.

The Weatherman said that under no circumstances should anyone leave their house due to the extreme cold.  So of course, I had to go out and ski.

I have to respect the toughness of the birds,
and reward them with sunflower seeds.

Others benefit, too.

The snow has become so deep,
I had to dig out the gate so I could get into my big backyard.

The wind from the northwest almost made me reconsider the Weatherman's wimpiness.

The goal for the day.

An attractive group of tee-protecting ornamental grasses
has been provided by the golf course grounds crew.

The plants also provide a windbreak that creates drift art.

And the grasses are artistic all on their own.

I'm always fascinated by the shapes fashioned by the wind working with snow.

Yes, fascinated.

Do you catch my drift?

What's on the windward side?

More of the same, but different.

Time to head back.
Even with the mittens, my right thumb is freezing.
Having that hand out to manipulate the camera might have been a factor.

I stood in the lee of a vine-covered cedar and watched as the wind drove the snow.

Windswept snow or white sand beach?

Only my tracks.
Even the deer are hiding.

Another gust pushes the snow over the surface.

 It is difficult to convey the true experience.  Perhaps this video will help you enjoy this weather as much as I do.


  1. I know why you do not come to the lake often. You should sell the boat and get yourself a nice 4wheeler.

    1. Nawwww...hiking and skiing are much more my style.

  2. I hope you left the gate open for tomorrow.

    1. Don't want the pooch to escape. I'll shovel again.
