Tuesday, April 10, 2018

It's Spring!

What a concept!  A single date for spring across the hemisphere.  Just because the amount of daytime and nighttime are pretty much equal?  What are the chances that up north, spring really begins on the Vernal Equinox?  Astronomical!

Even a weeks later, not quite spring.  But it could be that the definition of spring is subject to species by species interpretation.

The hazy moon gave way to a beautiful sunny day.

Is it spring for the geese when they can
happily munch on the weeds in the runoff?

Honk if you think it's spring!

Mr. Merganser is sure it's spring...

Because his lady friend is nearby.

And love is in the air.

Or maybe not.
Who's this other guy?
Is the stage set for a duck fight?

The lady is not sticking around to find out.

The guys follow her footsteps and wingflaps.

And the end of the story is not for us to know.

For some, spring is a sunbeam and a warm spot on the floor.

Let's observe humans enjoying spring!

A short drive up NY Route 10 gets you to the Jockeybush Lake trail head.

It looks so inviting!
On with the snowshoes and up the trail.

The trail follows the lake's outlet.
Always stylish, Mary coordinated her gaiters with the trail markers.

Don't follow too close when going through the brush.

The lovely little stream winds through the woods.
The trail runs across the gap on the left if you're good and jumping with snowshoes.

Mary preferred crossing on the snow-covered log.

Just short of half way, this pretty little cascade
provided sound and motion.
Honest, there's a waterfall back there.
The little side streams provided a challenge.
In many places, the runoff provided deep cuts in the snow
and ample opportunity for soaking feet.

Skinny log crossing?
Don't fall!

Onward and upward.
At the lake.
Frozen solid!
Funny how the terrain flattens out.

"Now if we just go to that point,
we'll be able to see around the corner to the rest of the lake."
"Nope. Sorry. Done."
And with that, the return trip began.

Frothy bubbles formed in this bay
when the water lapped against a log near the mouth.

Their progress through the aperture and arc within the envelope
were fascinating.

Very tired, we returned home
to enjoy additional fascinating frothy bubbles.


  1. Cheers indeed. I love the railings.

    1. Black powder-coated galvanized steel because stainless only comes in silver and costs 3x as much. Will see how it does, but I don't expect a problem.

    2. With tamarack posts and top rail.

  2. Very Cool ... actually out right cold!
